1/17/2022 0 Comments Podcast: Things to do in Cimarron and on the way to Philmont with the Philmont Trek Talk Crew
For those of you going to Philmont, this will be a good episode to bookmark. This episode features excerpts from the December 2021 Philmont Trek Talk Facebook Live event. For this episode, we’ll talk about things to do in Cimarron, NM and on the way to the ranch.
There were six panelists for this discussion. - Sal Porto is with Troop 212 in Lutz, Florida and has been on 6 treks to Philmont and is planning the seventh for 2022. - Jeff Cress is with Troop 19 and Sea Ship 4019 in Burlington, NC. He also is an administrator for the Philmont Trek Talk group on Facebook and Gear-report.com. He has been on numerous Philmont treks over the years. - Andy Parrish is the High Adventure Chair for Troop 152 in Westfield, IN. He is also the purveyor of the Youtube channel “Andy Parish Outdoors” where he discusses Philmont prep and trips as well as personal hikes all over the US. - Darrel Tadsen has been involved at the Troop, District and Council level for over 45 years and is routinely seen working at the welcome center at Philmont. He has been on numerous treks and sends 6-7 crews to Philmont each year from the Greater St. Louis Area Council. - Scott O’Mary with Troop 259 in Plano, TX. He has had extensive experience with all four BSA High Adventure bases. - Rob Smith is with Troop and Crew 85 in O’Fallon, IL and is the High Adventure Chair. He also runs the HighAdventureScouting.com website. Watch the full Facebook Live video here: https://youtu.be/WtqVKx5d00Y
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Rob SmithRob is a life-long Scouter who has been on several high adventure trips and hundreds of nights camping with his Scout Troop. CategoriesAll Backpacking Camping Product Review Archives
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